IDS Camera Sensors

The LEnsE team developed Python elements for implementing industrial cameras from IDS.


IDS peak (2.8 or higher) and IDS Sofware Suite (4.95 or higher) softwares are required on your computer.

IDS peak IPL (Image Processing Library) and Numpy are required.


To use old IDS generation of cameras (type UI), you need to install IDS peak in custom mode and add the uEye Transport Layer option.


IDS peak IPL can be found in the IDS peak Python API.

Installation file is in the directory INSTALLED_PATH_OF_IDS_PEAKgeneric_sdkiplbindingpythonwheelx86_[32|64].

Then run this command in a shell (depending on your python version and computer architecture):

pip install ids_peak_1.2.4.1-cp<version>-cp<version>m-[win32|win_amd64].whl

Generally INSTALLED_PATH_OF_IDS_PEAK is C:Program FilesIDSids_peak

To facilitate the integration of the IDS peak API in the different projects, we developped :

  • a list system to list available cameras, based on the IDS peak API,

  • a driver to setup and to access a camera, based on the IDS peak API,

  • a set of widgets based on PyQt6, to control and to display images.